MA (Non-thesis) Admissions

Additional Application Period for the “Non-Thesis MA Program in Foreign Language Teaching” for the 2020/2021 Fall Term: 13 - 30 July 2020

Please check the University website for the admission procedure:



Admission Requirements

  • Individuals with a B.A. degree in Foreign Language Education or related fields (Linguistics, Translation, Languages & Literatures) are eligible to apply to the non-thesis M.A. program.
  • Individuals who have an undergraduate degree in other fields may also apply provided that they have at least one year of experience in foreign language teaching at a public or private institution.
  • English Language Proficiency Record:
    • TOEFL(PBT)= 627 + TWE 4.5 or
    • TOEFL(IBT)= 108 + TWE 24 or
    • BUEPT= B
  • Minimum GPA: 2.00/4.00
  • Official transcript (academic record) from the undergraduate program
  • Undergraduate diploma (certified/notarized)
  • Statement of Purpose (in English)
  • CV (in English)
  • ALES/GRE/GMAT scores are NOT required.

*Those whose application is accepted will be invited to take an exam administered by the Department. Admission will be based on the results of this exam.

Exam date: N/A

Time: N/A


Maximum enrollment: 40 (No quotas available for Fall 2022 term)

Fee = 22,500 TL (750 TL per credit)

The payment in each semester will be based on 15 credits.


Please click here to see the M.A. (Non-thesis) Admission Exam Reading List

Please click here for the flyer of the program.

For all inquiries, please contact: